Incident Home Page
Logging into Incident
*Note: If your organization is using SSO (single sign on) for user authentication, your login experience may be different. If you are having difficulty logging in using SSO or you are unsure whether your organization utilizes SSO for their Dude Solutions products, please contact your technology help desk for assistance.
- Open your web browser and type into the address bar and hit the Enter key. Bookmark this page or create a shortcut on your desktop to make it easy to come back to this page later.
- On the Account Login screen, enter your Login Name and your Password.
- If needed, click on the eye icon (
) to view the text you have entered in the Password field.
- If needed, click on the eye icon (
- Select Incident in the Go To drop down box.
- Click Sign In.
- If you have forgotten your login information, click the Forgot Login Name or Password? link under the Sign In button.
- Enter your Email Address.
- Click Forgot Login Name? to have your login name emailed to you.
- Click Forgot Password? to have an email sent to you with instructions to reset your password.
- If you need additional assistance logging in, see our Login Help page.
Incident Home Page
The elements of the Incident Home Page will vary for each user role, although the basic layout will be the same. Here are some highlighted sections of the Administrator page:
My Account Link
- Click on the My Account link to go to your personal information page, where you can change your password or update your information.
- The Application Links drop down box is also in this section. If you are a user in multiple Dude Solutions applications, you can select the application from the list to jump between the different programs.
- Click the Logout link in the far right corner of the page to exit the system.
Home Page Banner
- The tabs at the top of the screen help you navigate to important areas of the application.
- Home - takes you to the Incident home page.
- Calendar - takes you to the Calendar page where you can view outstanding or completed Incidents by Assigned To and Work Queues.
- New Incident - where you can enter a new incident.
- Problem Types - where you can view and activate problems types in the account.
- Reports - takes you to a page with links where you can create reports.
- Services - this page outlines Dude Solutions' services.
- Account Setup - where you can set up certain aspects of your account. This tab is only available to Administrators.
- MyDude - where you can access content within the Dude Solutions community.
- The Search For box under the Home tab can be used to find a specific incident or group of incidents. Enter an Incident ID number to bring up that specific form or enter a keyword to bring up a list of incidents associated with that term.
- The Advanced Search link takes you to a more advanced search form where you can select multiple criteria to find the incidents you are looking for.
- Click on the Search Knowledge Base to go directly to the Knowledge Base Search under the Advanced Search link.
- The Help link on the far right will take you to a page that lists ways to contact our support team.
- The Actions menu contains links to Add information to your account, List the current fields, create Graphs, and run Reports.
Incidents by Status
- This center section shows you a breakdown of the statuses of all of the incidents in your account.
- Use the Period drop down box to narrow the time frame of the requests. The counts are based on the last status change date of the incident.
- Click on the number beside New Request or Unassigned to go to the Unprocessed New Request page where you will be able to assign out each incident.
- Click the number beside any other status to show a list of those incidents. Check the box next to the status to include it in the pie chart on the right.
My Work / Work Queue / Assigned Incidents
- The My Work section allows you to select queries that you have created to show that information right on the homepage.
- The Work Queue section will list all incidents assigned to your work queues. You can take any incident listed in your work queues and assign it to yourself. This will move the incident to your Assigned Incidents section.
- The Assigned Incidents section lists all incidents that are assigned to you for completion. You can print the incident, reassign the incident, add action taken notes, and mark the incident as In Progress or Complete.